“Bell aims to steal iPhone thunder with limitless data on rival device”

20 Nov ’07

Well, Bell is certainly expecting Rogers’ iPhone announcement at any moment, and it looks like the carriers have been listening to public complaints about wireless data rates, and / or have been hearing Apple’s footsteps (see this article on efforts Vodaphone is making in Germany to recover ground it’s presumably losing to Deutsche Telekom because of the iPhone): Bell is set to offer the first “unlimited” wireless data plan in Canada.

We’ll see how “unlimited” it is when it’s released – US carriers, for example, have a notoriously distant relationship with the truth when it comes to asterisked definitions of “unlimited” – and indeed The Star reports on the first qualification here: no use as a modem. But lower rates are a very good thing, and Bell should get some buzz out of this (the Star article reports on a recent Seabord Group report that analyses recent downward pressure on wireless data rates in Canada). The package is apparently on offer for a new HTC Touch smartphone.

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