Well, Bell is certainly expecting Rogers’ iPhone announcement at any moment, and it looks like the carriers have been listening to public complaints about wireless data rates, and / or have been hearing Apple’s footsteps (see this article on efforts Vodaphone is making in Germany to recover ground it’s presumably losing to Deutsche Telekom because of the iPhone): Bell is set to offer the first “unlimited” wireless data plan in Canada.
We’ll see how “unlimited” it is when it’s released – US carriers, for example, have a notoriously distant relationship with the truth when it comes to asterisked definitions of “unlimited” – and indeed The Star reports on the first qualification here: no use as a modem. But lower rates are a very good thing, and Bell should get some buzz out of this (the Star article reports on a recent Seabord Group report that analyses recent downward pressure on wireless data rates in Canada). The package is apparently on offer for a new HTC Touch smartphone.